The Moscow Times

Ukraine frontlines News independent reality


Wagner Chief hold Top of Defence-Russia accountable for the disgrace of this war...

VIDEO Twitter: Wagner Chief: The disgrace of Russia by the acts of the Generals and Defence Ministry

Breaking News: Wagner-Groups in conflict with Russian Defense Ministry, Read about the here

who we are
“Ukraine Front Lines” is #1 Independent Citizen Media about Ukraine, which was set up from a point of view of ordinary Ukrainian citizens, from the barricades of Euromaidan during the Revolution of Dignity 2014, investigating, giving analysis and reporting the truth about Ukraine for the rest of the World.

Now “Ukraine Front Lines” focuses on #RussiaUkraineWar holding informational front.

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Our contributors are ordinary people. “Ukraine Front Lines” is entirely independent and rejects any owner or large donor who may affect our independence.

success of what we do

“Ukraine Front Lines” focuses on developing the capacity of Ukrainian citizens to engage with the international community and disseminate news on actual events in Ukraine as a window into conflict areas in times of war and as a guide in times of reforms. Now “Ukraine Front Lines” focuses on #RussiaUkraineWar holding informational front. We believe when Ukraine defeat russia, we will turn our effort on discovering Ukraine’s perspectives, Culture, History, Art, Tech & Business as well as other Projects and Opportunities of Ukrainians to the rest of the World.
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