Livestock feed additives mycotoxin binder

Livestock Mycotoxin feed additives


MycoToxine binder Supplier manufacturer of NCC Natural Carbon Clay as health feed Additive to protect live stock and Pet, companion animals for health, digestive improvement by determination diarrheal diseases and more

Press Release:
Worlds Animal Anti Toxin Health Feed Nutrition/Additives News For Immediate release

Introduction: Animal Health Feed Additives - Mycotoxin binder Nutrion- Supplements News

Willem van der Windt,

I am working for Holland Feed Support in the function of head sales.
We are a young company and we are currently working to set up a global dealer network for a innovative nutritional supplement for animal feed, namely NCC Natural Carbon Clay

We started in the Benelux market with this nutritional supplement under the name NCC Natural Carbon Clay!

Before putting it in the market we have been doing research for almost 10 years.

There are two components we sell. Powder and Paste.

The most simple explanation for the difference between the powder and the paste is as follows.

NCC - Natural Carbon Clay Powder, you use on a daily base and you mixed it in the nutrition feed for al sort of animals.

Natural Carbon Clay Paste, is used mainly for direct intervention by diarrhea. Use in Calves in more than 90% of problems you have result in 24 hours!

Because not everyone is familiar with the product Natural Carbon Clay I will give you the technical specifications of both products after my lecture.


In farm animal feeding, it is a common practice to apply raised levels of protein and microelements in feed mixes, yet wide range of the following additives are used first of all: coccidiostatics, synthetic amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, preservatives, detoxicants, prebiotics, fungicides, preparations improving environmental conditions, and even dyes and taste improvers. All these substances prevent growing animals from developing immunity. For these reasons, more and more attention is focused on prevention using different natural agents produced by pharmaceutical and animal feed industries. Regardless of these actions, the research is in progress to find simple, and at the same time cheap and efficient preparations, which may be served by breeders themselves. Proposed feed additive - Natural Carbon Clay is based on natural kaolin (aluminosilicates) found near carbon deposits. It is a 100% natural product! It is a combination of kaolin (aluminosilicate) and carbon. White clay and carbon treatment is a therapy as old as the hills, which has been instinctively used by people and animals for hundreds, and even thousands of years. Just today, in the age of intensified animal production chemicalization, it is one of few natural detoxicants, which is easy to use in feed.
Digestive tract diseases cause serious problems in animal breeding. Inflammatory states of intestine mucosa lead to indigestion of nutrients in feed, which is manifested by a diarrhoea. They are caused by pathogenic factors or dietary mistakes.
As a result of its physical and chemical properties, Natural Carbon Clay is used as feed additive - coagulating ingredient of feed mixes.
Owing to its sorptive properties, the preparation performs very well as an absorbent of mycotoxins, secondary metabolites of mildew fungi. The issue of corn contamination, and resultant contamination of feeds with mildew fungi constitutes a worldwide problem. It is reported that 40% of all corns in the world are contaminated with fungi and their metabolites (mycotoxins). It is true that treatments including gassing, feed additives based on organic acids or high temperature exterminate fungi, but they do not remove mycotoxins generated by them earlier. Intoxications by fungus metabolites have been known for ages, but only mass and intensive animal production has revealed how huge health-related and ecological losses they may generate. Swine and poultry is especially susceptible to mycotoxins. Most dangerous among all mycotoxins are: aflatoxins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol and zearalenon. Even smallest mycotoxin doses in feed have very treacherous effects. Doctors and breeders are often helpless, because symptoms are much the same as in the case of bacterial diseases. Infection may burst out even more if an antibiotic is given. Enzymatic preparations decomposing fungus toxins may be used to inactivate mycotoxins, yet so far the cheapest and highly efficient method for inactivation of mycotoxins is to use additives that ensure the effect of mechanical sorption (absorption). This is how Natural Carbon Clay works - it bonds toxins and surplus water in the pores, and in this form it is then excreted with faeces.
The preparation is helpful in prevention and mitigation of diarrhoea, moreover it may constitute an extra source of mineral compounds. After swallowing, the preparation forms an adsorptive layer on the surface of intestines (due to concentration). This layer prevents absorption of toxins into blood circulation, irritation of digestive tract walls, which physically reduces probability of occurrence of pathological states in digestive tract. Moreover, the preparation reduces water losses via intestine wall.

Why using of even 1 kg of the preparation per 1 ton gives visible results in a farm?
In order to be able to explain the Natural Carbon Clay preparation effects, we need to examine its ingredients and properties.
Kaolin (white clay), which is the main ingredient of the preparation, is much like forest soil rich in aluminosilicates (primarily kaolinite), has loose texture, and is strongly porous. As a result of this, it is capable of absorbing vapours, gases, and soluble substances, e.g. those containing toxins. It is the strongest natural adsorbent next to silicon gel. Kaolin is an example of a molecular sieve, which owing to its physical and chemical properties is capable of retaining on its surface particles of chemical compounds (huge absorptive area of kaolin 1 gram of powdered substance may have up to 1000 m² of absorptive area). Second ingredient of the preparation carbon, also possesses very good sorptive properties, that is 1 dm3 of powdered carbon may absorb even 80 litres of ammonia.
Moreover, huminic acids are important ingredients of the preparation. These are reactive high-molecular organic compounds with polyelectrolytic character, which are capable of participating in a number of chemical reactions including: ionic exchange, forming complexes with metals, oxide reduction and other. They play very important role in maintaining the state of acid-base equilibrium in proper mineral nutrition for animals. Bacteriological examinations of huminic acids have proven that they have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, which probably slows down growth of pathogenic microorganisms in digestive tract of animals, and this directly affects their health state and proper growth. The tests carried out for calves have proven stimulating effect of huminic acids on the development of immune system, resulting in increasing level of immunity substances, mainly gamma-globulin. Constitution of the Natural Carbon Clay mineral substance also deserves attention, in particular the following elements: Fe, Si, Al, Mg, K, Ca, Mn, Cu and Se, which are responsible for important physiological functions, including management of electrolytes. Moreover, they are also components of enzymes. It is especially advantageous that mineral compounds contained in the preparation occur in organic form (bio-complexes). They have very favourable physical and chemical properties from point of view of digestion physiology of animal digestive tract. That is to say: they form bases when mixed with water and reduce surface tension in intestine content, they emulsify fats, and thus support liver work. This is especially important when using fattened mixes to feed poultry and swine. An advantage of the preparation is that its main ingredients - aluminosilicates, are not digested in the digestive tract, and their therapeutic effect involves mechanical bonding of gases, bacterial toxins, mycotoxins and poisons of the following types: alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, and other. Moreover, owing to their physical and chemical properties, aluminosilicates regulate defecations, mitigate inflammatory states, and eliminate digestion disorders and passage of chyme.


The property of NCC - Natural Carbon Clay is that it significantly improves biotomie in animals. It gives the animals a better nutritional intake and digestion. The animals stay healthier as a direct result of a better product!

The advantages it offers:
- It cleanses the digestive tract of animals (against fungi, parasites, toxins, etc.).
- Stops diarrhea in approximately 2 days.
- It provides a better absorption of the food consumed by the animal. Result the consumed food will be effectively absorbed in to the body of the animal.
- The elimination of gases and feces when animals are administered the supplement lowered by an average of 15%.
- The dietary supplement made from 100% natural fabrics. And has no negative side effect.

Natural Carbon Clay has a mixed relationship with existing feeds an average of 0.5 to 100 kg. (For the correct dosage for each species see mixing chart.)

Use of Natural Carbon Clay has only advantages, namely:
1. More efficient uptake administered nutrition.
2. Less use of antibiotics.
3. Healthier animals.
4. A better product (ion).
5. A reduction up till 15% to excretion of faeces and gaseous emissions (ammonia acids).

All in all, using only provide a win win situation!

Result when using Natural Carbon Clay is noticeable within days.

I want to show you that we have a solid product in the market that is scientifically supported, as the test reports show. These test reports are provided on request and can be found on our website: Holland Feed

We provide a clean product that is subject to regular checks. Every 200 ton of product is tested for dioxin by an independent institute. These reports can be provided on demand.

To make the comparison or to indicate the difference with similar products I can give the following explanation.

- Similar products consist only of caolite clay, Natural Carbon Clay there and at is a natural compound of carbon with caolite clay.
- Similar products only reduce the manure by using, there and at also eliminates 70-80% of diarrhea in animals while certainly it's no antibiotics!
- While similar products only reduce the manure by using, reduces Natural Carbon Clay when used in addition to manure, the stool by 15% and emissions of methane gas at the animal with up till 15%. So NCC - Natural Carbon Clay does more than just the reduction of manure!
- Similar products protect only the mucosa in the esophagus, Natural Carbon Clay there and at also bind fungal and metabolites to the stool which it leaves the body. Same time it leaves the vitamins and minerals in organism intact so that the body can be.
- Similar products and Natural Carbon Clay speed up the digestive tract.
- Less amounts. Significantly less product to use per tonne of feed.

To get a good result with NCC - Natural Carbon Clay you need an average of only 5kg per ton of feed.

Under European regulations code Natural Carbon Clay is classified under the group of E559 (kaolin clay) products. This is because the clay is part of the ingredients in the Natural Carbon Clay Powder and there is no other code for the natural mixture of coal, clay and minerals.

You can check the list:

Chembase database,

In our opinion, Natural Carbon Clay should be classified under a different (new / unique) code, but because it cannot, it often creates errors in the way of our product comparison.

The experience is that when people encounter a new product, it automatically try to compare with existing products. (This is because the evaluation of something easier and understandable, for the researcher / user group.)
Maybe there are products that at first glance seem similar in composition, but the composition of the product will not achieve equality and effects as the result obtains.

An important difference from other products is that there a natural combination of kaolite and coal in Natural Carbon Clay

Normal Active coal is a strong binder, and works very well. The problem is that it completely cleans the entire digestive tract, including minerals, vitamins and many more good nutrients. Active coal sterilizes any organism, so when used by animals it's necessary to add extra vitamin and mineral supplement. (Another extra cost.)
This is why all institutes recommends to use such products no longer than 3 to 4 weeks.

Natural Carbon Clay against it, is completely natural in structure and composition and its properties and the fact that the coal in it , through centuries naturally mixed with kaolit , is the fact that vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the digestive system through the body are included. Natural Carbon Clay is very effective as a binder of mycotoxin (fungus), some bacteria and toxins, which after binding with the feces leave the body of the animal. Reason why no product has to be added when using Natural Carbon Clay. There for it continued to be used. This property causes the resistance not only in cows, but in all animals significantly.
I remain of the opinion that our product is unique and I trust that created uncertainties by fatteners in anticipation of question, by me on beforehand been refuted.

Results we experience in the field by use:

Dairy cows:
- Become less stressful, because of a better digestion.
- Better stool. (dryer and some lesser)
- The cell value of bath bacteria in the milk becomes significant lower.
- Mastitis in cows occur is less common or disappears complete.
- The give easier and more milk.

- Become less stressful, because of a better digestion.
- Better stool. (dryer floor)
- Colour becomes better.
- Development like grown increase.
- Percentage of meat against muscle becomes better in %.

- The become less stressful, because of a better digestion.
- The floor in the farm will become dry within 24 till 48 hours.
- Normally a broiler farmer pick up 5% dead birds, that reduce to 2.5%.
- By Broilers you get at the and with lesser food the same weight in the total group.
- With Layers the scale of the egg becomes significant thicker and stronger, so lesser breakage.

In generally when animals get Natural Carbon Clay in their feed, there is also a reduction in Veterinary costs, because animals remain healthier!

I trust to have informed you for the moment, if you want more detailed information don't hesitate to ask.

World Wide Distributor

Holland Feed Support

Willem van der Windt (head sales)
mobile: +31 628 766 144

NCC - Natural Carbon Clay


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