TEDS Global speakers

TEDS speakers 2015

Truth and Dare. We dare to think this will, in truth, be the most provocative, invigorating, mind-shifting TED yet. A conference that builds on everything we've learned these past 30 years, and combines rigor and delight in equal measure. If you're willing to leave any cozy assumptions behind, we would very much like you to be part of it. Apply now »


In our fast-changing world, a reliable grasp on the truth is hard to come by. Take the following widely held beliefs. True or false?

— The news is bad.
— Nature is good.
— Technology is no fun any more.
— Growing inequality is inevitable.
— Privacy matters more than transparency.
— Our kids will be worse off than we are.
— We've lost the battle against Big Brother.
— Physics is becoming incomprehensible.
— We've left it too late to prevent a climate crisis.
— The political right has run out of decent ideas.
— Robots will destroy more jobs than they create.
— The genomics revolution arrived too late to help me.

In 2015, we'll be questioning every one of these statements -- and many more -- in search of deeper truth, richer understanding, better questions. We will find the minds best capable of reframing our most familiar beliefs and concerns ... and leave time in the program to challenge them in turn, to test their logic, to dig deeper.

... and Dare

We will also be inviting some of the most exciting creators of the future to share their visions with us. Inventors, Designers, Explorers, and Change Makers of all stripes (provided only that those stripes are colored bold). We're at a time of significant global challenge. Yet our political and economic systems seem barely capable of responding appropriately. And meanwhile, astounding new technologies may be creating alarming unintended consequences and complexities. Who has the ideas that will create a future we actually want? They're out there. And we need to hear from them like never before.

The TED2015 experience will include:
A fast-paced, highly curated five-day stage program featuring TED's famous 18-minute talks, plus music, comedy, tech demos, short talks, video interludes and other surprises

Optional pre-conference activities, including carefully curated TED-only tours

Immersive evening events at Vancouver's most intriguing spots

Art exhibits, tech demos, and other experiences

Intense conversation breaks, where attendees and speakers delve into the ideas introduced on stage

Thoughtfully designed simulcast spaces where you can watch the conference in an informal setting

The famous TED Gift Bag

Online tools for connecting with other attendees, before and after the conference

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